About Dr. Falk, DVM:
Dr. Ana Falk graduated from Veterinary School in Ecuador in 2000. She studied Classical Homeopathy (a postdoctoral degree) at the prestigious Escuela Medica Homeopatica Ecuatoriana (EHME) and after a three-year program and over 1,000 hours of training she received her Doctor in Homeopathy degree in 2000. Even though the program at EMHE is limited to MDs and DVMs, Dr. Ana Falk was accepted into the program while she was still in veterinary school due to her outstanding talent and dedication to veterinary medicine and homeopathy.
Upon completing graduation, Dr. Ana Falk spent a total of five months as part of a research group in the Galapagos Islands camping in a deserted island where she shared the beach with sea lions.
After moving to the United States, she spent seven months at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the University of Tennessee. She then received her full certification in the US and Iowa Veterinary license. In 2005 she completed the Professional Course in Veterinary Homeopathy with Dr. Richard Pitcairn (author of Natural Health for Dogs and Cats). In 2006, she joined the Chi Institute to learn Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She has been practicing holistic and traditional medicine for over 23 years. Dr. Ana Falk is a licensed veterinary acupuncturist.